How To Find Your True Calling

Insights and Strategies to Help You Discover Your Purpose

One of America’s best-known writers, Mark Twain, said, ‘The two most important days in your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why.’ If you want to live a truly meaningful and successful life, you should find your true calling first, your ideal vocation. The thing you love doing deep down in your soul, regardless of whether it makes money or not. And remember this: to find your true calling and live a more meaningful life, you must let go of what society and people think of you. Instead, you need to look within yourself to find out what matters most to you and pursue it. And it’s never too late to find your true calling. I found my true calling as a counsellor and a writer of motivational self-help books in my late thirties.

Who Are You and What Do You Want To Do?

The purpose of life is to define yourself, decide who you are, and then experience it. Hence, when deciding on your vocation in life, the only thing you should consider is whether or not that choice is a statement of who you are and who you want to be. This should be your conscious choice and not your unconscious reaction. By discovering your true vocation, you’ll be able to use your unique combination of talents, values, interests, and skills and fulfil your true purpose in life.

To discover your true calling in life, you must make space among the daily activities, step out of your physical body and mind, and connect deeply with your spiritual self. By taking care of your inner spirit on a daily basis, you’ll achieve and maintain deep peace and serenity within. In this way, you’ll gradually but surely reach a higher level of self-awareness. By taking time to connect with your true self, you’ll increase your self-knowledge and self-understanding. This will help you define what you want to be in your life and what you want to offer to the world regarding your talents, gifts, and skills. In this way, you’ll uncover your true calling in life.

learn how to find your true calling

Here are some other practical steps to uncover your true calling:

Imagine the highest vision of yourself that is inextricably linked to your greatest talents and natural inclinations. You should imagine what you would think, say, do, and how you would respond to others. It’s important that you hold this highest thought about yourself in your mind consistently.

Take small steps each day to align your thoughts and feelings related to the grandest vision of yourself with your daily activities. When an idea that’s not aligned with your highest vision appears in your mind, you should replace it immediately with a new, inspiring thought related to the highest version of yourself. In essence, you need to change consciously your thoughts, words, and actions to be aligned with your grandest version of yourself. Remember that this process requires constant self-awareness, constant observation of every thought, word, and deed. It requires constant monitoring of your daily choices. In the beginning, this process of self-awareness requires strong will and tremendous mental effort until it becomes natural for you. As a result, you will eventually reap the rewards of experiencing the best version of yourself.

Finding Your True Calling Will Lead to Bigger and Better Things

Remember that finding your true calling is similar to falling in love with someone. When you discover your true calling, everything around you brightens up. You’ll feel more alive and more enthusiastic than ever, inspired to take some action that will bring your vision into reality. When you discover your true mission in life, you’ll feel inspired by the Universal force to create something no one else has ever created. You‘ll become an instrument of the great inventive Universal force that’s willing to express its enormous power through you. This is how you will fulfil your destiny, which will bring divine contentment within yourself.
finding your true calling

Find Your Purpose in Life

You have an unlimited potential to do everything that you choose to do with your life. You can do, have, and become anything that you can imagine! You can choose to be in the process of self-creation and self-realisation through your self-expression. This process of creation and re-creation of the highest version of yourself through perfect self-expression is ongoing until you reach self-realisation. Embrace the process and move through it with peace and joy. To live a truly purposeful life means to live your life serving others, while finding joy in everything you choose to do. I wish you to create the grandest version of the greatest vision you’ve ever had about yourself and live a truly meaningful life!

Learn more about how to improve your self esteem here!

Further Reading

To discover your true calling, carve out your own career niche, and create your best self, you can get the life-changing book Another Way of Living: A Journey to Self-realisation (Book 2) by Dr Snezhana Djambazova-Popordanoska, MD, PhD, which provides simple step-by-step worksheets that will guide you to create a picture of your ideal job.