How to Overcome Social Anxiety

Have you ever walked into a room full of people and wanted to leave immediately? Does the thought of social interaction make you feel nervous, embarrassed or anxious? If this is the case for you, you might benefit from learning more about social anxiety.
overcome social anxiety

What is social anxiety?

Social anxiety is a mental health condition in which social interactions or performing in front of others can lead to excessive fear of being judged negatively by other people. In many social situations, like going shopping, public speaking, getting a haircut, job interviews, or eating in public, people with social anxiety worry about embarrassing or humiliating themselves. This means that people with social anxiety often miss out on interesting events or important opportunities. These people also have difficulties expressing their needs properly, being assertive, and maintaining friendships. Consequently, social anxiety can have a significant impact on their confidence, their emotional wellbeing, and their daily functioning.
overcoming social anxiety

What are the signs of social anxiety?

Common signs include:

Blushing easily or stuttering when trying to speak

Shaking or trembling

Sweating excessively

Feeling nauseous

Worrying about social situations in advance

Negative self-talk

Assuming that other people are judgemental

Difficulty making or maintaining an eye contact

Using alcohol or drugs to ‘cope’ with social situations

Avoiding social situations, even if this means missing out on something important

These symptoms can significantly affect an individual’s daily life, including school, work, and interpersonal relationships. Without proper treatment, these people may not achieve their highest potential in life, as they may avoid participating in important group tasks, speaking in public, or getting a promotion. If left untreated, social anxiety can lead to the development of other mental health illnesses, such as depression or substance abuse.

Best Self-help Strategies for Managing Social Anxiety

When you’re feeling nervous or anxious about facing a social situation, you can try some of the below strategies for overcoming anxiety:
Focus on Your Breathing
Slow breathing is a beneficial technique that helps you slow down your breathing when feeling nervous or anxious. How can you do it properly?

Sit in an upright position (Sitting upright is usually better than lying down because it can increase the capacity of your lungs to fill with air.)
Breathe in slowly through your nose, breathing into your lower belly for about 4 seconds
Hold your breath for 1 or 2 seconds.
Exhale slowly through the mouth for about 4 seconds
Wait a few seconds before taking another breath
As you breathe, focus on your breath. Notice how it feels in your nose, throat, chest, and stomach
As you breathe out, notice any tension leaving your body
Repeat at least 3 times.

Challenge Your Negative Thoughts

People with social anxiety tend to have negative thoughts about themselves and about what might happen in social situations. Therefore, being more aware of your thoughts and developing more realistic ways of thinking is an essential step in managing your social anxiety.
  • Step 1. Whenever you feel anxious (just before you enter a social situation), it’s important to write down your thoughts. Common examples of negative thoughts include:
    “I’ll say something stupid.”
    “I won’t know what to say.”
    “I’m not as intelligent as other people.”
    “I’m sure I’ll make a mistake and everyone will think I’m stupid.”
  • Step 2. It’s important to understand that your thoughts are just possible assumptions about what might happen, not facts. The next step involves learning to evaluate and challenge your negative thoughts. Here are some questions to help you challenge your negative thoughts:
    Am I 100% sure that _____________ will happen?
    How many times has ______________ actually happened?
    What’s the worst that could happen in this situation?
    What’s the evidence that the worst possible scenario will happen?
    What’s another way of looking at this situation?
    What can I do to handle this situation?
    What would I say to my best friend if s/he was having this thought?
The answers to the above questions will help you to look at all aspects of the actual situation (both positive and negative aspects) before making a conclusion. This, in turn, will help you to see yourself, others, and the whole situation in a more balanced and more realistic way.

Improve Your Communication Skills

Why is it important to develop good communication skills? If you’re avoiding eye contact, speaking quietly, or standing far away from others, you’re unconsciously conveying the following message: “Stay away from me!”
Good communication skills are the key to developing friendships and to building a strong social support network. Building positive relationships with other people can greatly reduce the feelings of social anxiety in your life.
If you’re socially anxious, you may have difficulties expressing your thoughts and feelings openly. Therefore, it’s important to learn to be assertive when interacting with others. Assertive communication is an effective style of communication in which individuals clearly express their needs, feelings, and opinions in an open and respectful manner that doesn’t violate the rights of others. Assertiveness is a skill and, like any other skill, is something you can develop and master with practice, even if you are unused to being assertive. To communicate assertively, you need to learn to verbally express your thoughts and feelings in the communication by using “I” statements. For example, you might say:
“When you didn’t respond to my suggestion in the meeting, I felt hurt and angry because it seemed that you did not value what I had to say. What I would like in future is to be given space to express suggestions and ideas. Thank you for listening to me.”

To improve your verbal and non-verbal communication skills, you may also pay attention to the following:

  • Physical distance (being closer when talking to others)
  • Posture (head up, leaning forward)
  • Movement and gestures (keeping arms uncrossed)
  • Eye contact (maintaining appropriate eye contact when talking)
  • Facial expression (smiling warmly and wholeheartedly)
  • Volume of voice (speaking at a volume that is easily heard)
  • Tone of voice (speaking confidently)
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Remember that no one was born with good communication skills. Effective communication skills are learned through repeated practice! As you become more skilled at communicating in this way, you’ll feel more comfortable, and soon it‘ll sound natural to you.
Find more tips on how to become a more confident communicator, and express your opinions in an open, clear and respectful manner see our program: Become a Confident Communicator.
The most effective way to overcome social anxiety is through exposure therapy with a trained professional. Remember that social anxiety is treatable and seeking professional help is the most important step to recovery.