Discover the Second Law of the Nature

second law of nature

If you want to achieve optimal health and happiness, and live a long. healthy and happy life, it is crucially important to live according to the natural laws. In the last blog, I explored the First Natural Law which says that every thought is creative.

Today I will write about the Second Law of Nature. The Second Law is that you attract what you fear. Emotion is the power that attracts. Therefore, what you fear strongly, you will experience. Fear is not of the present, but only of the past and the future, which basically do not exist in the present moment. And the present is so beautiful and pure and it is free of guilt and fear that nothing but love is there.

Click here to learn how to overcome fear!

Humans are born with two fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. All other fears are learned from others. Those fears are developed at a young age, influenced by our environment and our culture. Most of us have been taught during our childhood that in order to survive and to succeed, we should be smarter than others –in other words, we should have more, do more, achieve more, be more than others. We have learnt that in order to succeed we should be the strongest, the cleverest, the fittest. So, if we perceive ourselves as something less than this, we would fear loss and failure. We would think that we are not good enough. This is why most people act out of fear to meet the expectations that others placed on them. But, the purpose in life is not to survive, to compete with others or to win, but to experience the fullest glory of who you really are. To experience your fullest glory, you need to think and act out of love all the time, because that is who you really are.

Remember that fear is the absence of love. Fear and love cannot coexist. If love is present, fear cannot exist. No one who lives in fear is really alive.  So, healing basically involves replacing fear with love. Fear is the energy that contracts, closes down, hides, holds on, harms…Love is the energy that expands, opens up, shares, heals…Fear holds onto stuff and other material possessions. Love grows by sharing. Fear attacks. Love heals. No one who lives in fear is really alive. And all healing basically involves replacing fear with love.

Thoughts rooted in fear will produce one kind of manifestation in the physical reality. On the other hand, thoughts rooted in love will produce a different kind of reality. Remember that you are responsible for your feelings and your experiences. Which reality do you choose to experience- the one based on love or based on fear? The choice is yours!

Find more in the life-changing book “Another Way of Living” by Dr Snezhana Djambazova -Popordanoska MD, PhD.

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