How Can Romantic Love Last a Lifetime

How Can Romantic Love Last a Lifetime? Here is the answer to this important question. Watch this video session with Dr Snezhana that is based on many years of scientific research in the field of romantic relationships, and reveal the secret behind achieving intense, passionate, and lasting romantic love.

You can find out more in the life -changing book “Another Way of Living” by Dr Snezhana Djambazova-Popordanoska, MD, PhD. You can also get this book in Macedonian language and its title is “Да се живее поинаку.” You can get both books here:… If you want to have the relationship you’ve always wanted, and need some expert opinion or help in regards to your love choice, you can contact Dr Snezhana on the following email: She will arrange a confidential virtual counselling or coaching session via skype or zoom at a day and time convenient for you.