How to Move From Fear to Fearlessness


The ultimate goal in life is to be content within and to experience inner peace, immense joy and everlasting happiness on a consistent basis. To achieve this, we need to increase our self –knowledge and self-understanding, release fear and be fearless, discover our true purpose in life and reach self-realisation. 

The biggest obstacle to achieving self-realisation is the fear of failure which can prevent us from reaching our highest potential in life. Fear is a poison that contaminates the subconscious mind, which in turn can completely destroy the will power of the conscious mind. Fear has a detrimental impact not only on our physical health, but also on our mental health, debilitating our motivation, courage, common sense, and will power. If we choose to live with fear, we will learn your lessons in life through pain, suffering, and a sense of loss.

To become fearless, first we need to understand the root cause of the fear. Fear is an emotional state resulting from an error in the process of thinking. It is a consequence of a subjective judgment, of an unrealistic perception of things, events, or people. And our personal judgements and perceptions have a root in our limited beliefs about ourselves and the world acquired from significant others in our life, or upon our previous experiences. Hence, through the lens of our unexamined beliefs and perceptions, we perceive ourselves and the world around us. Therefore, it is important to examine our unrealistic beliefs about ourselves and others that cause fears in us, and replace them with healthy, realistic beliefs that will bring us peace, and joy within. How can we do that on a practical note?

We have a choice to challenge our own perception behind our unpleasant experiences in life, to try to see beyond the illusion created by our own fears. As Robin Sharma wrote, “Most fears are nothing more than the illusion. And yet they rule our lives. They keep us small. They keep us chained and fill our lives with limitation rather than possibility.” When we erase all your fears from the subconscious, we will become fearless and we will achieve inner peace within. Freeing ourselves from all our fears will help us to see the true nature of our soul, and the real beauty within ourselves. When we become familiar with our true nature, allowing our authentic self to shine, we will realise that we are the most magnificent creature in the world, and we will see ourselves and the world with loving eyes. Find out more in the life-changing book “Another Way of Living: A Journey to Infinite Peace, Immense Joy, and True Freedom”.

You are the only one who can create meaning in your life. Therefore, your main purpose in life is to discover your true self, to realise who you really are, and then determine who you want to become. Each moment of your life you can decide who you want to become through your daily choices in relation to what you feel passionate about. Each time you act out of love, and follow your passion, you will remember a little bit more of who you really are. In fact, your passion is the main driving force of your highest self-expression. Without passion, your life has no meaning. Life without passion is lifeless, and loveless. Hence, the true purpose in life is to discover your passion, create the highest version of yourself, and live your life to the fullest. When you discover your perfect self -expression, you will feel fearless and confident, knowing deep within that you are fulfilling your destiny.

It takes courage to be truthful to yourself, and to listen to your heart. At the same time, if you don’t have the courage to listen to your heart and follow it, gradually you will lose your joy for life, and eventually you will destroy yourself. However, when you acquire the courage to listen to your heart and pursue it, you will have the strength to go into the unknown, in spite of all your fears. Remember that by listening alertly to your inner voice and following it, you will always move in the right direction in life. Throwing yourself into the unknown will give you a sense of freedom and joy, and you will begin to feel fully alive. By listening to the inner call of your heart you can discover the limitless possibilities that exist for you. As a result, you will accomplish all your dreams. Find out more in the life-changing book “Another Way of Living: A Journey to Self-realisation”.

You are the only one who can decide who you want to be in this world, and in this life. You may begin this process by quieting your mind, so that your inner world will bring you a clear vision of who you really want to become. In this process you need to go deep within as much as possible. You need to imagine yourself in this world by living the most magnificent version of yourself. Then, you can begin to change your old limiting beliefs about yourself, and replace them with new beliefs, thoughts and ideas that are aligned with the grandest vision of yourself.

Remember that you can be, do, and have anything that you want! In doing so, you may choose the places, the people, the circumstances, even the challenges with which you can create your highest self. In this process remember to bless and be grateful to each person and each situation that you encounter, as everything in life is happening with a reason. In this way, you can walk the path to self-realisation which is at the very heart of the spiritual quest, and the ultimate purpose of human life. Through right thinking and conscious living you can create a life filled with joy, abundance, and prosperity.

If you want to discover your unique talents and skills, and achieve your highest potential in life, book a coaching session with our worldly renowned life coach and motivational speaker, Dr Snezhana TODAY!

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